10 thoughts on “World Pillow Fight Day is Saturday”

  1. Thanks Charlie! Maintaining a list so large has been more challenging than I thought, haha.

    Also, it is the day after tomorrow, and we are recommending business attire for the Wall Street edition. Not necessarily as formal as one might wear to an awesome funeral, though 😉

  2. It’s Saturday! Charlie is just crazy. I thought today was Friday when I woke up so who knows what’s going on

    I’ll be at the one in Boston!

  3. I sleep with an orthopedic, buckwheat pillow to help with migraines. It weighs a mere 10 pounds. Can I bring it?

    j/k. Toronto just had one. Apparently we didn’t get this memo.

  4. Charlie – Thanks for posting!
    Kevin – Ha, I love that Wall Street spin!

    Boston is keeping with the feathers but has started recruiting volunteers to help clean up with the feathers. It shall be quite the fun clean-up!

  5. Tomorrow *_*

    This Pillow Fight shall be one of the first non-comercial huge flash mob like pranks in São Paulo, Brazil.

    And it’ll be only in tomorrow’s afternoon. Still so far. T~T

  6. I checked out that site, and it said that it was yesterday. I looked at the one closest to my area though, (Houston), it said TBA (to be announced. Apparently nothing was. >.< Stuff like this really irks me.

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