10 thoughts on “Anger Release Machine”

  1. Wouldn’t the fall from the inside of the machine break the item before you got the chance to do it yourself?

    1. Having the item smash itself is the beautiful part. Displaying your anger in an urban setting is typically uncalled for. Using an ordinary vending machine can change the act into an extraordinarily acceptable display.

      The most satisfying way to release anger isn’t through a personal ritual, but publicly and rudely and to embarrassment of yourself. Yet everyday people go through the motions of letting go or internalizing anger in the mechanical and unsatisfying way of this machine.

  2. This is hilarious! However, I have to agree with Cait and Nia that it might be more fun to break the item oneself as opposed to letting it fall in the machine.

  3. I tend to break porcelain cats when Iā€™m angry anyway. Anger Release Machine makes me chuckle. Crisis averted.

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