Category Archives: college

Carpark: Color Coordinated Parking

A video of this very cool project from 1994 recently surfaced on the web. Artist Mark Tribe explains:

Nina Katchadourian, Steven Matheson and Mark Tribe were invited to work collaboratively on a site-specific project at Southwestern College in Chula Vista, California for inSite ’94, a binational art exhibition that takes place at various locations throughout San Diego and Tijuana.

Southwestern College is surrounded by a moat-like ring of parking lots. You can’t enter the campus without crossing a sea of concrete. Each day, Southwestern’s 3,477 parking spaces fill and empty several times with the cars of the students, faculty and staff who commute to Southwestern from all over the San Diego and Tijuana area.

On August 31, 1994 from 6am to noon, a team of 50 professional and volunteer parking attendants directed the arriving cars to predetermined lots according to car color. Each of the fourteen lots was filled with cars of a different color: dark blue, blue, light metallic blue, silver & gray, black, beige, brown, metallic raspberry, yellow, electric blue, white, aqua, green and red.

More info: Carpark

(Thanks Steve)

Pacman Pranks

There are dozens of videos on YouTube featuring real life Pacman chases.  Most take place in college lecture halls or high school classrooms.  Here are a few of our favorites:

Umpatriots at the University of Michigan (2005):

Pachax at Case Western Reserve University (2005):

Pachax at Case Western Reserve University (2006):

Also of interest is the very cool PacManhattan project from 2004 in New York, and this Go! Team video shot in 2007:

Fadu Falta Plata

A reader from Argentina sent us the above video. He explains:

Here in Buenos Aires, Argentina, we are living in some hard times, and our public (free) University of Buenos Aires is almost bankrupt.

The Architecture and Design Faculty are even poorer. So we decided, mostly spontaneously, to use some “table choreography” to make a video inviting people to join our fight for more funding for public education.

FADU = Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Urbanismo
FALTA = lacks
PLATA = money.