Subway Living Room

A group based in Prague turned a subway car into a living room this past weekend. Here’s their report and video:

– Mission: Travel first class … on the subway!
– When: April 4th, 2008, from 5pm onwards
– Where: Prague subway system (eastbound yellow line)
– Agents: 12

On Friday, April 4th, the commuters on one of the trains were rather surprised when a girl has boarded a train, carrying a rug, and spread it out on the floor. Imagine their shock at the next station, where two guys brought in a large armchair, on the following stations accompanied by a coatrack, table, antique telephone, slippers, and a flower in a vase.

This was just the set-up. At Jinonice, some six stations from the start, a dressed-up man came in, put his coat and umbrella at the rack, sat down in the armchair and made himself comfortable: he loosened his tie, removed his shoes and put on the slippers, picked up a magazine and started reading.

One thought on “Subway Living Room”

  1. Excellent! Your dead-pan acting was perfect. It looked as though someone else on the train was using your coat stand too 🙂

    Good work to all involved!

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