Tag Archives: ikea



Tired of expensive Guillotines? Now you can buy a Sokkomb, Ikea’s newest guillotine product! Product description:

SOKKOMB is a new low-cost product designed specifically for all those citizens who are so interested in Do-It-Yourself Justice.

Are you full of energy? Have you lots of things to do and too little time to do them? Are you increasingly annoyed by all those criminals, immigrants and petty people who should just be got rid of?

Your dynamic, active rhythm demands quick, summary justice and you are the person to do it, but too often you just don’t have the time and your family is increasingly in danger.

Then you are the person we thought of when we designed “Sokkomb”, an easily-assembled guillotine for the whole family, the practical solution, quick and clean, perfect for all your security needs.

By assembling Sokkomb in the comfort of your own living room, you can relax safe in the knowledge that the punishment will fit the crime. So you can finally be your own boss in your own house.

SOKKOMB is made from the best solid pine and comes equipped with a sturdy blade in stainless steel. It is light and versatile and is guaranteed effective for up to 100 executions a day.

And here’s a video showing a Sokkomb set up in an Ikea parking lot:

via rebel art (thanks noah!)

Ikea Housewarming Party


Urban Pranksters GuerilLA threw a “house warming party” in several rooms of a Burbank Ikea this past weekend. Agent Benny and the Jets writes:

About 30-40 people showed up to one of the living room/kitchen sets at the Ikea in Burbank, bringing gifts (mostly things from other departments at the store). Many people brought cookies and snacks, and games like Jenga. The party was cut off after about twenty minutes by the Ikea staff, at which point Agent Tuttle, the “host” of the party, yelled out that it looks like we’re being too loud and that “the neighbors called the cops”.

Reminds us of Rob Cockerham’s Ikea Fancy Dress Party.

IKEA Dinner Party

Rob Cockerham from Cockeyed recently helped stage a dinner party in a Sacramento Ikea.

He writes:

Oh! Those IKEA room displays! Entire rooms full of furniture, lighting, rugs and notions. Any one of those rooms would be a great place to sit and entertain friends. They look so comfortable and inviting!

It was an invitation that Jason Adair couldn’t pass up. He decided to have a Fancy Dress Party at IKEA.

Rob’s video is below: