No Pants 2009

HD video won’t play? Watch on it on YouTube.
edited by Matt Adams / song by Tyler Walker

On Saturday, January 10th, 2009 nearly 2,500 people took off their pants on subways in 22 cities around the world. In New York’s 8th Annual No Pants! Subway Ride, Improv Everywhere had over 1,200 participants, spread out over four subway lines. Check out the IE site for tons of photos, including one photo from each of the regional rides around the world.

No Pants 2k9

40 Greatest Pranks 2

(Improv Everywhere clip from the first 40 Greatest Pranks)

Tonight at 9 PM VH1 is debuting 40 Greatest Pranks 2. We’re not sure if that means these pranks have replaced the previous list of the 40 greatest, or if they should be considered the 41st through 80th greatest pranks. Either way, Improv Everywhere’s No Shirts prank is #9. Set your DVR!

UPDATE: Here is the video from 40 Greatest Pranks 2

Pacman Pranks

There are dozens of videos on YouTube featuring real life Pacman chases.  Most take place in college lecture halls or high school classrooms.  Here are a few of our favorites:

Umpatriots at the University of Michigan (2005):

Pachax at Case Western Reserve University (2005):

Pachax at Case Western Reserve University (2006):

Also of interest is the very cool PacManhattan project from 2004 in New York, and this Go! Team video shot in 2007:

Giant Tetris Pieces

Artists from the Gaffa Gallery installed a series of falling giant Tetris pieces in an alleyway in Sydney. They write:

There are grand implications of error here that lead to questions, such as who exactly has been playing Giant Tetris? What were they trying to do? Could I have done better? Is the city grid similar to a computer game or different? What brain-space am I in when I’m playing games on my computer? Is it more or less alert than when I’m waiting in line for a sandwich? The work seeks to challenge conceptions of the North end of Sydney’s CBD as an orderly, socially cold grid and beckons viewers to assess their own level of interaction, play and hacking within the city

Justin James via Inspire me, now!